Qualcomm announces its latest Snapdragon X Elite platform, which is built on a 4nm process and 136GB/s of memory bandwidth. However, this is one of the most powerful processors available on the market to date, including the new Qualcomm Oryon. These exceptional processors will be available for shipping in mid-2024.
The Oryon CPU cores are designed to be high-performance and competitive with AMD, Intel, and Apple processors. However, the 12-core X-Elite chip from Qualcomm will be twice as fast as Intel processors. Additionally, it will consume 60% less power than other processors using the same system classes. Qualcomm claims that it will offer the same performance in single-threaded workloads while using 30% less power than the Apple M2 processor. However, these claims are huge for Qualcomm because these processors still need validation and verification in the real world.
Technology Used in Snapdragon X Elite:
With Snapdragon X Elite, you can connect to the internet and send data very quickly. However, it features advanced technology such as Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.1, and 5G connectivity. This makes it a more versatile and powerful option for smartphones and other mobile devices. Additionally, Qualcomm’s claim to beat the processing abilities of Apple, Intel, and AMD has created a buzz in the tech industry. However, we will wait and watch if this claim comes out to be true.
Snapdragon X Elite’s Design:
There are three clusters in the Qualcomm Oryon that make up the Snapdragon X Elite. However, these cores are highly efficient and can perform well with each type of core, depending on the task. There are 12 cores within the Snapdragon, and all can run at 3.8 GHz. Additionally, one or two of the cores can boost up to 4.3 GHz if required. The 64-bit Oryon CPU and memory controller can access eight channels of LPDDR5x memory and will be paired with 42 MB of total cache.
Snapdragon X Elite Specifications:
Feature | Specification |
CPU | Qualcomm Oryon CPU, 64-bit architecture, 12 cores up to 3.8 GHz, single and dual-core boost, up to 4.3 GHz |
GPU | Qualcomm Adreno GPU up to 4.6 TFLOPs, supports DX12 |
NPU | Qualcomm Hexagon NPU, 45 TOPs |
Memory | LPDDR5x, 8533 MT/s transfer rate, up to 64GB, 136 GB/s bandwidth, 8 channels |
Storage | SD v3.0, NVME over PCIe Gen 4, UFS 4.0 |
Process | 4nm |
Display | Qualcomm Adreno DPU, up to UHD 120Hz with HDR10 |
Connectivity | Snapdragon X65 5G Modem up to 10 Gbps, up to Wi-Fi 7, with Bluetooth LE 5.4 |
More features | AV1 encoding, decoding for 4K HDR video, lossless sound with Snapdragon Sound Tech Suite, on-device generative AI at 30 tokens per second, “enterprise grade” security |
On a 4nm node, the Qualcomm Oryon CPU powers the new Snapdragon X Elite platform. It does, however, have a 64-bit architecture, 12 cores running at 3.8 GHz, and single and dual-core turbos running at 4.3 GHz. The Adreno GPU that comes with it is powerful and can handle up to 4.6 TFLOPs.
Bottom Line:
Qualcomm’s claim to beat Apple, Intel, and AMD with its Snapdragon X Elite processor has created a buzz in the tech community. However, the processors are still not available on the market. Therefore, its real verification and validation are still uncertain. For more information about the latest processor capabilities from Qualcomm, keep visiting TechTalkToday.
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